12, Feb 2018
Insectes Created in cooperation with designer Vincent Darré, insects are funny and original sculptures. They come from the meeting between Vincent Darré’s dadaist world and Semeur d’étoiles’ poetic world. The caterpillar is articulated and lights. She climbs your...
22, Jan 2018
Nature Harmonieuse Nature Harmony and Nature is a new wall lighting decoration. Plenty of small lighting objects, made with brass, crystal, glass, porcelain spead on the walls. Video: Indigo Opera hotel, Paris, interior designer Jean-Philippe Nuel. Photos Hoya wall...
21, Jan 2018
Révélations art exhibition 2017 Semeur d’étoiles presented a selection of his new and older lighting creations during the Révélations art exhibition in the Grand Palais, Champs Elysées avenue, Paris. Photos Overall viewOverall view Perles Necklaces, L200 and 250cm,...
30, Mar 2016
Révélations art exhibition 2015 Semeur d’étoiles first presented his luminous creations at the Révélations art exhibition in 2015, Grand Palais, Champs Elysées avenue, Paris Photos Mr. Valls, France Prime Minister, at our stand during the inaugurationMr. Valls, France...
29, Mar 2016
Mobile / Euroluce Semeur d’étoiles introduced selected creations in Milano during Salone del Mobile/Euroluce : Starlit ceiling, Moon chandelier, Nature Harmonieuse wall panel. The new Barcaroles wall panel, raw porcelain, and the Moon wall lights were unveiled then....
10, Mar 2016
VIA award Semeur d’étoiles received the prestigious VIA award for its Starlit ceilings. VIA wanted to distinguish particularly “a production featuring invisible transparent warm white LEDs as requested by interior designers “. VIA also rewarded the...